Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Blog Roll

See over there to the right? Just under the Play date schedule? It says "Blog Roll". That is a resource for you, as a mom. Click on the links to find parent hacks, activity ideas, and other resources for preschool moms.

A few things though, we do not have control of the content on those blogs. They do not represent the views or beliefs of Calvary Community Church or MOPS International. When you visit the sites please represent our community well and if you choose to leave a comment, keep it friendly.

If you know of a blog that might be helpful to other moms, drop Kristin an email. At this time lets keep the links/blogs noncommercial (no selling of things).

Also, if you publish a blog, let us know. I would like to do a listing for MOPS moms that blog (plus we are always looking for people to write content for this blog!).

Monday, July 20, 2009

After all we have been through....

As I was thinking/planning what to write on this very blog, for your reading eyes, I had a few ideas. But, when it all boiled down, what I am dealing with right now, is what is closest to my heart, is the perfect place to start.

As some of you may know I am going back to school in the Fall. I have wanted to get a Masters from the time I was doing my undergrad at WSU (GO COUGS!). After many failed attempts to start school again, God's timing is now. I cannot begin to express the excitement in my heart about beginning this adventure. With school, however, comes a HUGE bill.

Matt (my man) and I have talked about how to pay for this adventure (which he FULLY supports and encourages). I have filled out all the necessary financial aid paperwork, attempted to find any available scholarships, spoken with the church about match grants...done everything I could to find extra money short of robbing a bank....NOTHING. We have read The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey (STRONGLY RECOMMEND!) and committed a year or so to stay out of debt in any and every way possible. Because of that commitment, we decided against taking out a loan. The only other option my husband could see was for him to get another job. He has prayed about it, as have I, and he feels complete peace that that is what God is asking of him at this time. I say 'he feels complete peace' because, as of right now, that is not necessarily a shared feeling. Yes, come next month, when my first tuition payment is due, we have to be able to pay for it somehow. Since I make...NOTHING...I cannot contribute, nor does he want me to get a paying job. That brings us to where we are now.

After all God and I have been through, together and with Matt, you would think I have this trust thing nearly figured out. He is faithful EVERY time, no question! It is the essence of who He is. He has pulled us out of many o' financial pits and done miracles that we have witnessed with our very eyes. Why, then, do I not believe that He will provide the additional amount each month to cover the cost of my school, which we both firmly believe is His will for me in THIS season? Why do I also not believe that he will provide Matt with a second job that still allows me to stay connected to my b-fry and the man of my dreams? Let alone allow him time with the boys who desperately need daddy time? With all the doubts that flood my little brain, he is STILL faithful! He will act out of rich love and power, in spite of me. He knows in due time and after enough time on my knees and in His word that seeds of faith will be planted and they will blossom into oaks of faith. Until then, he plants one seed at a time, reminding me that He too will work it all out.

My seed for the day:
Isaiah 41:10
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Thanks, God, for getting me through today and being so patient with me in my struggle to believe.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Cleaning Out the Closets

It's summertime. I find that my schedule changes during this time of year. It relaxes and becomes far more flexible, but also fills up with more play dates and fun activities. I don't have to rush my son off to preschool or get out the door for regularly schedules activities. My days are more open, mostly.

I love spending the time at parks and zoos, plugging into MOPS planned play dates and in general soaking up the sun.

Summertime also brings with it a desire to do projects, at least for me it does. There are so many randomly stacked things that appeared over the winter in the garage that we can barely get the cars in. And when we can get the cars in, we are stuck because we can't open the doors!

My closets are overflowing with clothes that are out of style, don't fit or are just plain worn out. My linen closet is unspeakable.

My goal this summer is to clean out. Clean out the things that I don't use, don't want or don't need. Pass things on to other moms, thrift stores or the dump.


My relationship with God has much to declutter as well. How many things have I taken on board that are not benefiting me? Beliefs that have come, not from God, but from "that's how it has always been" or "that's what my parents believed." I have beliefs that cause me to feel guilty for not being perfect. Does that come from God? I don't think so.

I would be the first one to say that learning from others is a valuable thing. Passing on faith from parents to children is one of my top priorities with my son and daughter. But, old stale beliefs need to be tested and tried. Held up to see if they still fit. Are they a product, not of the teachings of God, but of a fad that came through the church (or society)? Do I have a tie-dye faith? Or do I have a classic, never-goes-out-of-style A-line faith? Where do my beliefs come from? The Bible? Society? Movies?

I loved the book The Shack. There were parts that challenged me and my prejudices. Do I believe that it was Biblical? No. But did I inadvertently take on beliefs that are contrary to the Bible?

How much of what I believe have I taken on board by random things in our culture?

The only way to distill my beliefs is to spend time with God and his Word. Letting Him talk to me and asking Him to show me the truths that can be mined only from Him and His Word and to possibly find a mentor in a more mature Christian woman.

Just like I need to spend time going through my closets this summer, I need to spend time with God. Going through my beliefs.
